“During the autumn of 1967 the Swedish state acquired the well known Bullerö archipelago, which consisted of a number of holdings in what was then Nämdö parish in the municipality of Djurö.
The owner of these holdings was Torsten Kreuger, or rather his three sons, who had received the islands as a gift in 1962. For the total sum of 4 million crowns the state acquired approximately 450 hectares of fishing-water. The property comprised about 900 islands and islets, and included 10 buildings of various types and various states of repair on some of the larger islands.
Negotiations concerning this valuable and well known archipelago had been in progress for some time, with the purpose to care for and protect its documented unique qualities and natural beauty.”
From Öar i havsbandet, Bullerö och Långsviksskär
Naturvårdsverket och Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm län
By Anders Häggblom and Jan Terstad

Photo: Johan Ander